

Are you looking to join a creative technology company?  We are looking for folx who are: excited to work with ever evolving technology, comfortable with taking direction, know when to lead the way, are open to learning from others and always open to sharing their knowledge in turn.  We believe in providing a safe work environment where we encourage collaboration and open discussion.

Working at Red Iron Labs is a unique and rewarding experience.  Our team members work on cutting edge video games, life saving safety training, and even innovative health care solutions helping patients recover and learn to walk again.


Available Positions

We are hiring for the following roles!  If you are interested – please use the form below to submit your application!

Office: Calgary, AB, CA


Experienced VR Developer

Status: Closed | Location: Calgary

Experienced Business Development Role

Status: Closed | Location: Calgary
Office: Thibodaux, La, USA


Experienced VR Developer

Status: CLOSED | Location: Thibodaux

Business Development Role

Status: CLOSED | Location: Thibodaux

Future Positions

If you don’t see a position you fit above please feel free to submit your resume using the submission tool below.