Company News

26 posts

March 2017 – Company Update

Celebration Time! Wow, can you believe our anniversary has already passed?  We wanted to take a moment and celebrate some of our successes in 2016! We were immensely proud when we decided to step up and build Calgary’s first virtual reality game company. We were equally excited to be the […]

We have been Greenlit!

I’m proud to announce that Abduction has been Greenlit by the Steam Greenlight community! A big thank you to EVERYONE for helping, spreading ideas, and sharing us out there!  Without your help and support, this game will never take off.  And because of you, we now have the opportunity to […]

Abduction Submitted for Greenlight

We are very happy to announce that we have now submitted Abduction for Greenlight approval! What is Greenlight? If you ever watched “Are You Afraid of the Dark?”, Steam’s Greenlight process is kind of like submitting your story for approval!  This is how people in the community can vote (for […]