What an incredible month: Steam Sales, VR Fest, booths, web refresh, and many new muffin fight fans.
Read moreIn between events, we worked on some amazing projects, and even managed to fit in some much needed website updates 🙂
We had a wonderful opportunity at INVENTURE$ to share our collaboration project between us and Lethbridge College (CareGiVR) for aggressive Dementia Care training.
Here we met some amazing folks, including the work being done at the University of Alberta, and caught up with old friends like the wonderful folks over at ICOM Productions.

Showing the Red @ AMAAS
While in St. Paul, we learned all about alien abductions (wooo) the power of art as a medium in VR, and seeing first hand what the amazing artists would come up at the AMAAS event.
This event was an enlightening experience for me personally, seeing what artists come up with and the amazing work they created in Unreal and Quill, has inspired me to revisit how we approach our art internally for projects and programs. We’ve always firmly believed in Courage before Confidence, and Design lead Technology.

PowerTeam at TEDXYYC
We had a wonderful time at the TedXYYC event in Calgary. The event was led off by Nenshi, and many follow up presenters on many different interesting things going on in the Calgary region. I would like to write more about the talks, but the truth is we were slammed busy at the booth! Thanks to the wonderful TedXYYC folks championing us out, we had a steadly lineup the whole event.

Team #REDIRON at KDays/GDX in Edmonton
The team also had an excellent time in Edmonton, for the restarting of GDX, after Interactive Arts Alberta brought the event back to the province. This event was combined with KDays, with many awesome game studios from Alberta showcasing their games.
If you don’t already know, GDX is a pretty amazing experience. It is a low cost local event in Edmonton that drums up interest in local games. Everything from boardgames, to large studios, to small ones show up and just have a lot of fun together. It was wonderful to see the event back in place.

And with that, we have a few teaser videos to share!